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Meet Missy 

Hi I'm Missy! I am the baker, creator, decorator, and overall crazy person behind Missy's Quarantine Cookies! I was working as a cruise ship performer, singing and dancing around the world, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Finding myself back in my childhood home with no way to "work" in my chosen profession, I turned to cookies and baking to fill my days. I taught myself how to bake, decorate, and create custom sugar cookies and eventually Missy's Quarantine Cookies was born. I still perform when I can but am always thankful to the cookies for providing a creative outlet during quarantined times. 


I love desserts and baking and have always loved arts and crafts. So custom cookie decorating seemed to be the best way to incorporate all things I love. My favorite thing is making people smile and adding to the magic of every event with just one cookie. In addition to creating custom sugar cookies for major holidays and events, I also love hosting local cookie classes and parties. 


Follow along for more @missysquarantinecookies

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